

Improve Both Customer Experience and Compliance

In the ever-evolving regulatory landscape, insurance companies face challenges balancing regulation compliance with frictionless customer experiences. Offering an utterly digital customer experience is essential in strengthening identification practices and fostering digital trust. With our KYC solution, you can streamline user registration and onboarding with full KYC and AML compliance. This results in a seamless customer experience with improved trust in your services, reaffirming your company as the trusted, customer-centric insurance provider.

KYC Solution

Validate your customers’ identity with peace of mind

In the highly-competitive insurance landscape, accelerating new customer signups and onboarding is essential. However, a significant regulatory and compliance burden is associated with each new customer that cannot be compromised. For many insurance professionals, assessing and processing new customers is the most critical, time-consuming part of their jobs. Our KYC solution provides an integrated trust platform that collects and verifies customer information online and at physical locations. Your customers will enjoy the fast, reliable, and secure onboarding process. Combining AI processing and expert human intelligence guarantees a seamless digital identity verification process with a pass rate close to 100%. 

Speed up the signing of your contracts.

Once a new customer has been registered and validated, the next step in the contractual process can be accelerated with our versatile certified signature app. It supports simple, advanced, and qualified signatures so that you can meet different document requirements from a single application. Each signature is entirely eIDAS compliant and accompanied by a timestamped proof file, ensuring authenticity and validity. From signing insurance contracts to SEPA mandates, our solution accelerates all aspects of acquiring new customers. In addition, it seamlessly integrates with your existing systems and processes, so new users can be converted to paying customers quickly and efficiently.

Electronic Signature
Archiving system

Ensure your documents are properly stored.

All insurance professionals face specific constraints regarding the electronic preservation and archiving of relevant documents. Compliance with the European Solvency II reform demands an effective governance system that third parties can audit. Our archiving solution helps you meet these challenges effectively and adhere to all insurance industry regulations. You can create specific archiving policies to store: 

Our NF 461-certified electronic archiving solution offers fast access to your files, advanced search features, customizable classification, and secure document disposal.

Store your documents with confidence.

With data leaks and data breaches at an all-time high, the demands to protect digital documents and ensure they retain the highest probative value are constantly rising. Our file vault system lets you securely store sensitive data, including your customers’ personal information, medical reports, and risk assessments. It complies with the NFZ42-020 standard and is hosted on a sovereign cloud (ISO27001 – HDS). Granular user permissions guarantee that only authorized individuals can access relevant documents.  


A Single Trusted Partner for Insurance

By choosing our digital trust solutions, you enjoy all the benefits of an integrated eIDAS-certified platform. You can accelerate customer onboarding and automate your document processing. Streamline your operations with our integrated platform and the specialized services we offer to insurance companies. We partner with you to ensure the integrity of your processes and comply with the regulations specific to the insurance industry:
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Insurance agents and brokers
Improve all interactions with end customers for a lasting competitive advantage. 
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Life insurance
Offer streamlined onboarding that is fully integration with your business processes. 
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Property and casualty insurance
Improve customer satisfaction with accelerated processing of claims and service requests.
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Annual remediation
Simplify customer interactions across all touchpoints in the customer lifecycle.